• Mon-Fri. 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., Sat 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. - Tel. 07843995253


FTÄ Elisabeth Huber Our in-house surgeon is specialist veterinarian Dr. Huber:

She has decades of experience in this area and offers the following surgical services:

Bone surgery (osteosynthesis)

The most common reason for these operations are bone fractures:

  1. Plate osteosynthesis
    With angle-stable locking system
  2. Medullary canal nailing
    Stabilization of the broken bone by means of a steel nail inserted into the medullary canal cavity.

Joint operations:

  • Femoral head dislocation
  • Femoral head resection
  • Cruciate ligament injuries / cruciate ligament tears in small to medium dogs according to Meutstege or ligament replacement according to Flo - more complicated or severe dogs are operated on by our sister practice in Karlsruhe - more information: https://hund-kreuzbandriss.de
  • and much more

Soft tissue surgery


  • Wound care, wound revision, skin flaps, reconstructive surgery, tumor extirpations


  • Othematoma, ablation of the ear canal


  • Bulbus extirpation, nictitating membrane apron

Frontal, nasal and oral cavities

  • Endodontic treatments, cleft palate closure, gingivectomy,
  • Oronasal fistula – plastic closure, treatment of fractures, dislocations, symphysiolysis


  • Bite/stick injuries, meliceris, tracheostomy/tracheostomy


  • Hernia peritoneo-pericardialis, chest tube, diaphragmatic hernia, diaphragmatic rupture

Gastrointestinal tract

  • Colopexy, enterectomy, enterotomy, gastrectomy, gastropexy, gastrotomy, insertion of a nasogastric tube, plication,
    torsio ventriculi (stomach rotation)
  • anus, perineum, spleen, liver, gallbladder and pancreas
  • Anal sac resection, cholecystectomy, hernia perinealis, spleen extirpation, perianal fistulas, perianal tumors

Urogenital system and abdomen

  • Hernias, castration, cryptorchidism (inguinal, abdominal), mastectomy, nephrectomy, nephrotomy, kidney biopsy, ovariectomy/ovariohysterectomy, penile amputation, prostate diseases, pyometra (uterine suppuration), caesarean section (cesarean section), urethrostomy, urethrotomy, cystotomy